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Trust the process of high pharma prices to incentivize innovation and competition

There have been some record-breaking prices set for drugs in recent months. Such high prices for pharmaceuticals are on the minds of many of the payers and clinicians that I speak with during pricing research projects. Such high prices should encourage innovation and competition, and once a specific unmet need has been addressed, the price of treating that specific medical problem will likely come down over time. Continue reading…

The Changing Chinese Consumer: “Doing it their way”

A recent article by The Economist described China as the “next consumption superpower”. On the verge of becoming the second largest consumer economy in the world, it has become a uniquely attractive market for many reasons. However, the evolving Chinese consumer also represents a challenge for international companies. Continue reading…

The Presentation of Pricing Information: Package Price

Price Ending in High-Low Context Countries

Framing Online Promotions

Why Canadians will be more active in paying for healthcare

Price Endings in Risky Product Categories

When Supply and Demand Meet: Structural Models of Pricing

New product adoption speed and its impact on the launch pricing strategy

Canadian Healthcare Payers (White Paper, 2011)

Price Point Endings

Price Endings in Asia

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