Can Your Price Ever Be Too Low?

2018-01-23T10:31:56-05:00Categories: Pricing and Selling, Pricing Strategy|

Pricing low to gain volume is the oldest move in the pricing playbook; the laws of economics say that as you lower price, volume will go up. Therefore many companies that want to dominate a market, or are in a rush to grow in a new market, will use low prices to achieve their goals (e.g. Walmart, Dell, Private Label).

Pricing Luxury Brands For Online Shoppers

2017-07-19T17:54:46-04:00Categories: Financial Post, Pricing and Selling, Pricing Strategy|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

If a consumer is shopping for an exclusive brand and likes the idea of buying smart, then many would conclude they can save some money by buying online from a country that sells it cheaper. However, the truth is that they probably won’t succeed; at least not online.

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