Pricing Solutions will be hosting an event on the 17th of September exclusively for Pricing Managers to gather and exchange ideas as well as approaches to difficult pricing challenges.

This highly interactive session will be led by Jim Saunders, Partner at Pricing Solutions and Avy Punwasee, Senior Consultant. Jim and Avy will share their views on managing discount and promotion requests including tracking their effectiveness, common issues, case studies, and tools.

The discussion starter for this session will be:


Jim and Avy will be addressing the following:

  • What tools should I use to evaluate discounts?
  • How do I know if I am leaving money on the table?
  • How can I measure my discounting effectiveness?
  • What should our long-term vision of discount management look like?

As we have done in the past, Jim and Avy will present their thoughts on the topic and facilitate an open discussion to allow the forum participants to share ideas, find out what has been working, and seek input on the issues with which you have been grappling.

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