Iris Pricing Solutions has launched a special report entitled ‘Pricing and Digitization: Parallel Journeys to Success and Survival’, demonstrating how pricing, marketing, and sales can benefit from better data capture and use that data to increase customer segmentation, improve value propositions, and better understand consumer behavior.

Companies in the B2B sector are increasingly employing price optimization and management strategies throughout the entire value chain. Businesses may underestimate the relevance of digital tools, overemphasize them, or design ad hoc solutions that don’t work well together as a result of their inexperience and bias. Subsequently, even companies keen to engage in technology struggle to change their pricing strategies into something that benefits their customers.

This whitepaper will focus on how to combine digitization and smart pricing. The impact of value capture throughout both transformative journeys. The potential impact of doing so is immense. In fact, our clients who do so consistently enhance EBITA (earnings before interest, taxes, and amortization by 3-5%). We will explain how.

“When we help our clients improve their data capture, they find themselves in a world where they can manage price not just once a year, but every minute of every day if they want to.” – Kevin McCabe, Director of Pricing Strategy, Iris Pricing Solutions.